By: Ted Nugent
Let me be perfectly clear: It isn’t any of your damn business what you think I need, what you don’t want me to have and what you think is good for me.
I’m a free man who can think for himself. I don’t need a bureaucrat to manage my life or legislate my freedoms away under the ruse of security or their twisted theory of an improved quality of life. I don’t visit Washington, D.C., because I’m allergic to soulless, terminally disconnected bureaucratic paper-pushing punks on parade.
For one free man to attempt to tell another free man what legal products he should or should not be able to own is the most gross and irresponsible bastardization of freedom I can imagine. But then again, I’m not a helpless, feckless, spineless, bloodsucking sheep waiting for direction.
Newsflash for the anti-freedom idiot brigades: You aren’t free if you want to handcuff the freedoms of others. What you are is a mindless sheep, an easily led lemming who can’t spell the word freedom much less define it.
What Sen. Feinstein, VP Biden or President Obama want is more control over Americans. These socialists and Marxists don’t care about mass murder. What they want is more control, their boots on our necks.
Liberals seek control by trying to convince us that central-planning bureaucrats know what is best for us. They don’t have any faith in individuals making decisions in their best interest. In fact, they try to convince us that without Fedzilla we would be helpless, too stupid and unprepared to care for ourselves.
Saul Alinsky, renowned commie, author of the 12 Rules for Radicals, Hillary Clinton’s mentor and hero and clearly one of the president’s guiding ideologues, would be proud of President Obama for using Rule 10 and 12 in promoting a ban on so-called assault weapons.
Radical Rule No. 10: If you push a negative hard enough, it will push through and become a positive. What the president and his ilk have done is use the mass slaughters (the negative) to attempt to push through a ban on these weapons (which is a positive in liberals’ eyes).
More important than Rule No. 10 is Rule No. 12: Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it. Using the Newtown slaughter as a backdrop, liberal gun banners such as the president know that constantly using the term assault weapon and showing pictures of so-called assault weapon looking carbines and modern sporting rifles will eventually convince some easily led, low-information Americans to believe that these non-assault weapon are actually assault weapons and are used to slaughter Americans routinely.
The truth, however, is much different. So-called assault weapons are rarely used in drive-by shootings by punks on parole on Chicago streets or by known mentally ill people.
What this is simply about is banning guns. And it won’t stop with so-called assault weapons.
Gun banners will go after handguns next. Liberal propaganda ministers will beat the drum that handguns are more evil than so-called assault weapons, that handguns are only good for killing other human beings.
Banning guns is the means to an end. The end is control, not freedom. They know that they can do whatever they so choose to a disarmed America.
Don’t believe what President Obama says about shooting skeet “all the time” at Camp David or that Vice President Biden believes you have the right to own a handgun or shotgun. At their core, these two socialists want more power and control. They don’t give a damn about your freedoms or your ability to defend yourself and your loved ones.
Personal hygiene-challenged Michael Moore should reshoot the movie “Planet of the Apes, 2013” and release it as a documentary, which would be his very first documentary. All he would have to do is push the record button and video the daily outrage of abuse of power and runaway fraud, deceit and corruption running amok in American politics today.