By: Ted Nugent
As I write this, the cops don’t appear to have any solid leads or suspects in the Boston Massacre II.
The president pledged to bring the individuals or organizations responsible for this massacre to justice. Good for him. But I don’t believe him.
The president also promised to do the same for the terrorists who killed four of our citizens and torched our mission in Libya. So far, nothing. He should have provided proper security that was requested time and time again to have prevented the attack. Go figure.
Though no Libyan terrorists have been apprehended, the president continues to argued that punishing law-abiding Americans will somehow magically protect Americans from murderous bug-eyed psychotics. The very concept is terminally flawed: that liberal dog don’t hunt.
Regardless the flavor of psychosis, the terror America faces is planned and executed by evil, soulless lunatics. Whether its religious voodoo nutjobs or young men with loose screws or strung out on doctor-prescribed pharmaceuticals, the enemies we face are a potpourri of over-the-rainbow kooks, flakes, crackpots, screwballs, cranks and evil nuts who could stand facing a sandstorm and not bat an eye.
Sane people don’t shoot up schools, movie theaters, or shopping malls, fly planes into buildings – or put bombs at the finish line of the Boston Marathon. Only crazy, evil people with severely loose screws arrive at those whacky conclusions.
Reports are the cops screened the finish line area looking for bombs and weirdos prior to the race. There appeared to be plenty of cops in the immediate area when the bombs went off.
The lesson here is that while the good guys of the thin blue line do what they can, a crackpot intent on blowing up Americans has a reasonably good chance of setting off bombs without getting caught.
Wringing your hands and hoping you’re not in the frag pattern of the next bomb is not a meaningful strategy unless you are a frightened liberal who needs a conservative to protect you.
There are things we can do to make America safe.
Using the president’s logic of punishing the law-abiding for the acts of the deranged, should the psycho who bombed the Boston Marathon be found to be from a Middle Eastern country, we should immediately cancel all student visas and work permits for people from the Middle East. As my buddy Toby Keith sings, “put a boot in their ass,” and send them all home on the next available flight.
Arm yourself. Now while arming yourself is not a deterrent to psychotic religious wormbrains building bombs in their basement, it is a deterrent to the paroled punks who are looking for their next victim.
Keep things in perspective. You are much more likely to be a victim of a paroled thug than being blown up by a religious voodoo kook. Blowing holes in paroled punks is a great crime-control strategy and a proven deterrent that reduces the overall violent crime rate. Dead bad guys don’t repeat crimes. Never forget, the only good bad guy is a dead bad guy. I recommend ticker-tape parades for people who dust bad guys.
So long as liberals champion keeping nuts out of nuthouses, there is little we can do to keep lunatics from gaining access to guns, gas, knives, blowtorches or bomb-filled Buicks and committing mayhem.
We should arm a few teachers to protect our kids. Our shopping malls should follow billionaire Warren Buffet’s lead in allowing shoppers with concealed carry permits into his Nebraska Furniture Mart in Omaha.
Common sense will protect us. Liberal logic is evil’s best friend.