By: Ted Nugent
I thank God everyday that I’m a deerhunter! Swear to God I do! And you should too. What a powerfully dynamic, extremely lucky aliveness we live!
I have SO much to be thankful for, and of course it begins with health, family, country and freedom!
As I rise and shine all bright-eyed and bushytailed eager to go again on this ThanXgiving Day 2017 for my 58th day of nonstop hunting since late September, I often wonder if non-hunters truly grasp the concept of ThanXgiving as powerfully as we hunters do.
Can a sunrise on a walk in the park or on the beach be as moving as the ones we live from our deerstands, literally smack dab in the middle of its deadringer inner glow as an integral player in nature?
Can that store bought butterball provide anywhere near the deep appreciation that our haunch of hard-earned, hands-on, natural predator venison delivers to a hunting family?
I am convinced that even though hunting isn’t for everyone, I cannot imagine a lifestyle that comes anywhere close to hunting, so deeply intertwined with God’s miraculous creation and sense of individual fulfillment experienced as an independent procurer of one’s natural sustenance according to God’s tooth, fang and claw plan and design.
Let us give sincere thanks that we are Americans, where we the people choose our individual life, liberty and pursuit of backstrap happiness.
Give thanks for the hero warriors of the US Military for their dedication and sacrifice for good over evil.
Be thankful for the entrepreneurs and business owners across the land that continue this phenomenal capitalist system where work ethic, risk taking, brilliant ideas and rugged individualism provides the greatest quality of life on planet earth.
A big THANK YOU to the farmers and ranchers of America that feed the world and provide many millions of acres of private land wildlife habitat for the healthiest, most diverse, thriving wildlife in the world.
A huge thank you to our fellow hunters here in America and beyond who pay for, manage and demand thriving wildlife to continue our natural predator/prey perfection and enjoyment.
We give sincere thanks to President Donald Trump for filling his administration with pro-freedom, pro-hunting, pro-2nd Amendment friends. We thank them all for making America great again!
I thank my amazing wife Shemane and my entire wonderful family for supporting my runaway outdoor addiction.
I thank the world’s real music lovers for celebrating my killer American rock-n-roll for 60 years. Their fiery energy, positive spirit and Gonzo loyalty have given me my ultimate American Dream forever.
I say thank you to Dan Schmidt and everyone at for giving me the forum to communicate and celebrate this incredible deerhunting lifestyle with my Spirit of the Wild BloodBrothers all these years.
And I thank the amazing deer of the world for providing me the humility, tests, lessons, challenges, frustrations and ultimate happiness that have made me a more aware, tuned-in and conscientious human-being without compromise.
Give thanks everyday like you mean it. Happy ThanXgiving everyday!