March 22, 2017 | « back

By: Ted Nugent

Makon&T Makonfulldraw MakonShem


Six year old Makon Lynn struggled to walk to the archery range. After a year of chemo therapy and tortuous radiation to treat his agonizing cancer, the courageous little guy had to give all his fragile body could give just to get around.

But the closer to the range he got, his energy and bounce picked up to where once he faced the 3D targets and gripped his Genesis bow, a light came on in his eyes and he actually smiled.

We shot lots of arrows and .22 rounds that day. Makon’s mom and dad said it was the first time he laughed out loud in ages when he snuggled and bounced around in the backseat of our Polaris with the dogs.

We spent the entire day in the great outdoors. We skipped stones across the river and ponds, found some shed antlers and a few bones and small critter skulls in the woods and searched for Indian artifacts as we strolled along the banks of the North Bosque River on our sacred SpiritWild Ranch homegrounds.

If you looked closely, you could actually see Makon’s pain and suffering lift and float away into the heavens.

We wrapped up a very special day with backstraps over a special fire and I played an inspired and soulful version of my magical Fred Bear song as if touched by the hands of God.

No as if about it.

You see, this little boy knew he would die soon, and as bright, tuned in and smart as I may think I might be, I am helpless to figure out why Makon and his family, in the throngs of this emotional terror, would pick me to be a part of this extremely personal moment in their lives.

But when they called and said Makon wanted to go hunting with Uncle Ted and hear Fred Bear around a campfire, what else would anyone do but drop everything and make it happen.

There are no words to describe these incredible moments. We have been blessed beyond mere words to be invited into many families’ lives at this uniquely spiritual moment when they are about to say good-bye to a loved one.

Fifteen year old Jason way back in the 1970s. Eighteen year old Scot Richards. Twelve year old Michael. Sixteen year old Chad. Seven year old Brittany. So many. So many tears. So many smiling, laughing faces around the campfire just to hear Fred Bear with Uncle Ted before they die.

Simply earth shattering, humbling and spiritually fortifying.

The only reason I share this amazing human experience with my American hunting BloodBrothers is quite simple; it is this miraculously powerful Spirit of the Wild conservation lifestyle that we all live and love in its definitively unapologetic, politically correct smashing delivery that got these families’ attention, and somehow connected them to me in this phenomenal way to share THE most trying moments in their lives with a goofy, over the top, wild-eyed WhackMaster guitar player.

Good people love truth, logic, commonsense and bold, brazen honesty and the defiant human spirit to stand up for them in a world gone otherwise politically correct and limp.

Donald Trump is the President afterall.

So if you want to experience the ultimate human touch in your life, get ahold of the Hunt of A Lifetime volunteers. Visit a children’s hospital and see if any kids and families would like a day in the great outdoors. Make it happen. Your life will glow beyond your wildest dreams. It will cleanse the soul.

Know that our hunting lifestyle is so pure, so perfect, so Glory to God and His miraculous creation that it represents the ultimate healing powers of nature at its finest.

Heal thy brother. Heal thyself. It can be done. Do it.

Hunt of A Lifetime Tina Pattison 866-345-4455 P.O. Box 241 Harborcreek, PA 16421