By: Ted Nugent
When the going gets tough, the smart get rockin’! In my adventurous 67 clean and sober years of over-the-top rockin’ American Dream, I have never shied away from fighting back against the insanity of this ever-increasing culture war all around me. After all, Motown guitar players qualify as “we the people,” and I’ll be damned if I am going to sit idly by as weirdos and freaks scramble to dismantle the only experiment in self-government and greatest quality of life the world has ever known.
There will be no “fundamental transformation” on my watch, thank you.
As my rockin’ buddies in Nazareth proclaimed, “Now you’re messing with a son of a b—h!”
With a rock-solid balance between God, family, country and my beloved music, I do everything in my power on a daily basis to awaken the apathetic around me, and indicators are strong, based on my recent 33.5 million facebookers and daily tsunami of communications from my fellow working-hard playing-hard Americans, that the prognosis for America is slightly improving these days.
Just the fact that an actual status-quo-slamming hell-raiser like Donald Trump is scaring the living bejezuz out of the entrenched, spoiled sheeple is positive sign enough that truth, logic and common sense still matter in this otherwise disconnected world of zombies and denial cultists.
I quote the greatest philosopher of all times, Dirty Harry: “A good man has to know his limitations.”
In order to raise as much hell as humanly possible, one must recharge one’s batteries and intelligently manage one’s time and priorities to remain effective in the fight.
Thank God I have an incredible family, phenomenal dogs, peaceful woods, swamps, rivers, lakes and wildlife and the soul cleansing outdoor lifestyle to keep me bright-eyed and bushy-tailed at all times.
Each day I explore our sacred home wildlife grounds, check traps (there’s a scoundrel of a barn foundation-destroying woodchuck named Cecil that has to go!), do a little fishing, plant wildlife foodplots, conduct media interviews, train my wonderful Labradors, shoot my bows and guns, raise money for military and children’s charities, write my columns and slam ferociously on my arsenal of guitars.
An idle mind is the devil’s workshop, and old lefty Satan has never showed his putrid horns around these parts ever.
My batteries got a mega-charge last weekend when I joined Detroit rocker Kid Rock for the first two nights of his opening 10-day record-breaking sold out run just north of the Motorcity. Performing “Cat Scratch Fever” is always an earth-shattering out of body soulmusic celebration, but doing it in my hometown 60 some years later with such a killer band, suffice it to say I am surely the luckiest guitar jammer in the world.
Even after 6,515 concerts in 50-some years, every rockout feels like the first time. Hallelujah!
As you read this in the glowing pages of, I will be loading up one of my vintage Gibson Byrdland guitars for a trip to Nashville to join good friend and great American Charlie Daniels for the 40th anniversary of his Volunteer Jam charity fundraiser.
The Volunteer Jam benefits U.S. veterans in need through The Journey Home Project – a (501)(c)(3) nonprofit organization. The Journey Home Project connects donors to veterans’ organizations that do the most good.
Fighting the war on terror has left some of our bravest service personnel with injuries that will affect them the rest of their lives. Many require intense rehabilitation and years of physical therapy. Other serious trauma cannot be seen. The horrors of war leave psychological scars that can make it difficult to re-enter civilian life. Many are hesitant to seek the help they need, or encounter red tape and stigma when they do reach out for help. Inexcusable cutbacks to veterans’ services from the federal government, combined with an increase in wartime active personnel has put a severe strain on health care, education and job opportunities for veterans.
Freedom drenched killer American music of all types will be celebrated at this grand event, and I am certain that everyone will come away with renewed vigor and commitment to fight harder and smarter to save this great nation from the fundamental transformation scourge currently taking place.
World-class artists like Jerry Lee Lewis, Little Richard, Lynryd Skynyrd, Alabama, Dolly Parton, Craig Morgan, Travis Trit, The Oak Ridge Boys, Willie Nelson and other mega-talent have graced the CDVJ stage over the years, and tonight is going to be incredible.
I know for sure that when me and my boys finish unleashing the ultimate love song, “Stranglehold,” beyond the sheer animal dancing erupting, there will be a renewed spirit of activism and willingness to fight for the country and freedom we love.
Freedom is not free, and The Journey Home Project is a great way to help the most deserving on earth! Visit and give what you can.