by Ted Nugent
Man does not live by rock-n-roll alone. Well, not completely, but almost! I mean come on! It is the ultimate soundtrack of the American Dream of God, family, country, career, hunting, horsepower, firepower, independence, rugged individualism and deercamp afterall!
So with increasing tingly cool air tickling my reasoning predator innards each night rockin’ and a rollin’ nonstop across America on the greatest tour of my life, I am once again blessed beyond measure to plunge headfirst into my other primary passion in life this side of the actual hunting season, and join my American Spirit BloodBrothers in celebration of our phenomenal hunting lifestyle at the 5th annual Kentucky Ultimate Outdoor Expo.
Just like the wonderful time I enjoyed only a few weeks ago at the annual Wisconsin DeerFest, thousands and thousands of dedicated conservation families will descend on beautiful London Kentucky at the Kentucky Horse Park near Lexington on Sunday August 27th, the day after my last concert for 2017.
You would think after 53 firebreathing rockouts in 66 days that the old MotorCity Madman StrapAssasin1 WhackMaster Reverend Theodocious Atrociuos might be a little worn out. But alas poor Yorik, just the opposite is true, as I am thoroughly cocked, locked and oh so ready to rock the Glock Doc!
Like so many of these wonderful outdoor family events around the country, there will be exhibits of every imaginable outdoor gear, products, services, inventions and ideas that will excite all of us that are addicted to the Great Outdoors.
Everything marine, hunting, trapping, fishing, hiking, camping, guns, ammo, clothing, ATVs, RVs, off-roading, guides, outfitters, butchering, cooking, killin’ and grillin’ to make the most diehard backstrapper thrilled and happy.
I will speak midday and then spend a few hours hanging, swapping hunting stories, recipes, we the people American Dream hellraising, shaking hands, kissing babies and signing autographs most of the rest of the day Sunday.
Flying in for the day after another incredible tour makes me a very, very fun person to be around, I assure you! The stimulating, fiery rock-n-roll mojo has a life of its own and is a force to reckon with unto itself, but add on a great hunting expo, and hang on baby!
In fact rumor has it that if you hangout with Uncle Ted right after a tour, the mojo is contagious and you become a much more deadly predator for the hunting season of your life. That’s what they tell me and I believe it!
This Kentucky event is titled the “Ultimate Outdoor Expo” because these great family events are indeed the ultimate opportunity to learn from many experts and share every imaginable outdoor experience, idea, thought, deed and approach from people who live it to the fullest.
Seminars, shooting and archery demonstrations, buck judging contests, farming for wildlife, foodplot strategies, taxidermy displays, kids activities and great food presented by some of the best in our sport make for a very special experience for the whole family.
There will even be a lot of assorted sporting goods giveaways that you can sign up for to win guns, ammo, knives, bows, arrows, apparel, hunting and fishing trips and all sorts of free goodies.
I have done many such events over the years and always come away with some new, valuable information and ideas to try out for a better hunting season right around the corner.
All this makes for an event that is perfect for this time of year as the fall hunts are coming on, but to me the most important element of the Kentucky Ultimate Outdoor Expo is that US Military hero warrior veterans are a big part of the weekend.
With Kentucky coming on strong as a highly desirable trophy whitetail and elk destination state, this could the best expo of the year. I look forward to seeing many of you there.