Thursday, September 16, 2021
By: Ted Nugent AIM SMALL MISS SMALL Breathing is good, especially if you want to execute a finely tuned, timed, properly controlled accurate arrow shot on a critter. I don’t know about you, but when on stand and a desirable deer arrives, and I have committed to killing it with my bow, to this day,… Full Story
Thursday, September 9, 2021
By: Ted Nugent
Dear Uncle Ted; the daily communications always start off from people all across America and beyond asking the old guitarjamming backstrapdaddy a plethora of questions about my gungho Spirit of the Wild hunting lifestyle and every imaginable activity associated with it.
It’s pretty darn special to have such vast communications about the things I am most passionate about!
Though I’m pretty sure we can all agree I’m no Fred Bear when it comes to masterful hunting, I nonetheless have been blessed to connect with herds of humanity due to my big mouth and extremely contagious celebration of truth, logic, commonsense and my constant lifetime passionate promotion of the powerful healing properties of hands-on nature participation.
Add to that credential the fact that I actually got my hunting education from the absolute best of the best like Fred Bear, and I certainly am qualified to pass on the wisdom and knowledge that I sponged from the masters.
Since hunting has been around since the dawn of man, the tradition and lessons and proven strategies of successful reasoning predatorship have been handed down generation after generation. Though there are many entrenched basics for venison procurement 101, hunting nonetheless will always be hunting, always extremely challenging, and even when all the time proven strategies are implemented along with all the neverending technological advancements, there are still no guarantees when it comes to right place right time critter ambushing.
Wednesday, August 18, 2021
By: Ted Nugent
You feel it don’t you! A burning, powerhouse throbbing deep in our souls! As summer throttles on, our spiritual radar is picking up super strong signals all around us, and as hunters in the modern world, we know exactly what to do with these signals.
The primal scream is alive and well as long as we pay attention.
As we witness the inescapable ugly results of a society inexcusably further disconnecting from the natural world around them, and the self-preservation instincts associated with it, we can rejoice our eternal participation and reverence for the natural world and its soul cleansing healing powers.
We can’t wake-up everybody in the world, but we sure can alert the people in our lives how critically important a role the natural world plays in ultimate quality of life.
The spirit of the woods is like an old, good friend. It makes us feel warm and good inside!