News Archives

Happy Birthday To Me!!

December 15, 2021

by Ted Nugent Wow! That was quite the whirlwind funride these past flamethrowing, outrageous, crazyFUN 73 years, was it not! I’m surprised I survived the G-forces! On that lovely winter day, December 13, 1948 in the MotorCity energy storm, I...

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HandGun Hunting

May 14, 2021

By: Ted Nugent It is more than glaringly obvious that I am hopelessly addicted to the mystical flight of the arrow and the hard-earned rewards of precious backstraps thereby procured! Bowhunting has been my life literally from birth, and, I...

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Ted Nugent Whitetail Slam

January 12, 2021

Book this Hunt Call Paul at 517-750-9060 for specials, to book your dream hunt or to join the NRA! Gift Certificates Available! *Toll-free number valid in USA only This is your chance to hunt for a big buck at Surnize...

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The Critters Save My Life

August 21, 2019

By: Ted Nugent

Well, sonic bombast rockout sweatfest number 6750 is now officially checked off the rock-n-roll calendar, in the books as they say, and I’m still out here going wild across the hinterland! And like every firebreathing gig, number 6750 was phenomenal to say the least.

Thank you, real music lovers everywhere!

Passion and enthusiasm certainly create a dangerous level of adrenalin driven energy every night, but Lord have mercy, if I fail to intelligently manage it, it sure could wear this old backstrapper out real quick like!

Happy Thanksgiving Everyday

November 21, 2018

By: Ted Nugent

I’ve written and waxed poetic and passionate about the seriousness of celebrating Thanksgiving in America for many, many years. We have so much to be thankful for in this the greatest country on earth that it is critically important to shout it out loud and proud from every mountaintop we can ascend.

I am convinced that the appreciation for all that is possible in this sacred experiment in self-government, though alive and well overall, is in fact diminishing by some Americans due to the human failure to become spoiled and petty after we have it so good for so long.

The Music Makes Him Do It: An Exclusive Interview!

November 15, 2018

By Ruben Mosqueda ( Ted Nugent the ‘Motor City Madman’ as he’s often referred to, took time from his busy schedule [hunting as he says in this interview] to chat with Over the course of his career Nugent has...

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The Big Bang Ain’t No Theory!

November 14, 2018

By: Ted Nugent

POW! BLAM! Bang! KaBlooey! Boom! Whoomp! KaBlammo! Wham!

Let us celebrate the most beautiful ballistic freedom soundtrack cacophony known to man! The glorious Opening Day of firearms deerseason wherever and whenever this wonderful day may occur is the day of days for American deerhunters across the land of the free and home of the brave!

Lord have mercy how I love the stimulating sound of small arms fire at the break of day!


September 7, 2018

Ted's latest article is now live on In it, he discusses the various daily rituals that mean so much to him, not least of which, the archery rituals that fuel him with a new bowhunting season fast approaching. Check it out here!

Learning From Each Other

May 10, 2018

By: Ted Nugent

My simple battlecry for a happier life is to never stop learning. My yesterday sure was fun, exciting and energizing, but my goal is to do even better today.

I just put down my battleworn Gibson Byrdland guitar after a morning of SpiritWild Ranch chores and shooting a few dozen arrows on my Morrell 3D range.

As always, I started out the morning shooting arrows at various ranges in my lifetime proven shot sequence procedure but made it a point to stop and consider some possible improved procedures for better archery. Reading, listening and watching archers and bowhunters much better than myself causes me to implement some of their suggestions and styles, and when doing so, my focus becomes strengthened and my groups get tighter, even at longer ranges beyond 50 yards.

Get A Muffler For Your Gun-Suppressors; I like ‘em

May 3, 2018

By: Ted Nugent

Aim small miss small! Now that’s a quality of life battlecry I think we can all relate to and agree upon. Like anything and everything in life worthwhile, firearm accuracy and all the shooting sports for that matter are best enjoyed when maximum focus and dedication are employed.

Growing up with my Daisy Red Ryder BB gun was life consuming, that’s for sure. Along with my homemade slingshots and bow and arrows life was one big projectile management adventure party.

Safety was drilled into my young, mushy brain by dear old US Army drill sergeant dad, and with the simple Gun Rule #1, never point a weapon at anything you are not willing to destroy, the great man put me on a True North compass setting of inescapable cause and effect accountability in the great outdoors and beyond from the earliest of age.

Thank you dad!

Three Down Six To Go

March 30, 2018

by  Ted Nugent

Happy Easter everybody! What a great traditional family celebration of life renewed for sure, and we hope everybody finds lots of fun yummy Easter eggs with the kids and grandkids, don’t eat too much candy and chowdown on a succulent Easter ham or turkey surrounded by family and loved ones.

And of course we take to heart the very solemn religious celebrations that represent a very powerful spiritual moment of faith for the believers around the world.

Year of the Deer

January 2, 2018

By: Ted Nugent Deer. Those, beautiful, spectacular, always fascinating deer. I have a funny feeling that if you’re reading this here NugeBlog that you and I share this quality of life stimulating relationship and admiration for our brother the deer....

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August 31, 2017

HolyHoly God in Rock-N-Roll Heaven ya all! What on God's good green BBQ earth was THAT! Only the greatest damn tour of my life that's all! A Full Bluntal Nugity ultraGONZO THANXSALUTE to the slamminest groovinist rhythmgodz Jason Hartless & Greg Smith for unlimited heart & soul every song every gig everynite! THANXSALUTE to the hardest workin most professional kickass crew & team! THANXSALUTE to the greatest honest to God soulmusicloving audiences this MotorCity guitarjammer could ever dream of for the highest energy & fiery positive spirit every damn night! Wrapping up the 6628th gig of my life so far was literally the highest of natural out of body highs available to mankind and I can hardly get next to myself! Off for gig #6629 in Okinawa Japan for the mighty United States Marine Corp warriors soon to put the ultimate clamax eargasm on the greatest tour of my life! We are already booking July2018 so greaseup those dancing boots for more phenomenal all American breeding music next year! Have the greatest hunting season of your lives to cleanse your soul and keep you Spirit of the Wild strong and free! Godbless Godspeed you all!

Ted Nugent band crew & family

Ted Nugent's 6625th concert

Kentucky Ultimate Outdoor Expo

August 29, 2017

by Ted Nugent

Man does not live by rock-n-roll alone. Well, not completely, but almost! I mean come on! It is the ultimate soundtrack of the American Dream of God, family, country, career, hunting, horsepower, firepower, independence, rugged individualism and deercamp afterall!

Be A One-Man Wildlife Army

August 23, 2017

By Ted Nugent

There is a vast, stunning, towering, soul cleansing forest in the swamplands of southern Michigan that an uppity guitar player planted by hand. With many indigenous coniferous and deciduous species of trees, some now more than 45 years old, this mystical woodland paradise is living proof that real honest to God sweat equity prioritized stewardship can and will make a difference for thriving wildlife and healthy wildground, not to mention a sense of gratifying fulfillment and soul cleansing spiritual fortification that makes a man feel all warm and good inside.