
October Like You Mean It!

October 4, 2018

By: Ted Nugent Well get on bended knee and thank the Good Lord Almighty like you mean it! We are here but by the love and grace of God to celebrate yet another glorious, wonderful October! Say glory, glory hallelujah and give me a minute to catch my predator breath! Anytime we can make it to another October we should look to the heavens and say a prayer of ultra-thanks for the blessed gift of another hunting season! I know many sporters have been at it hard for over a month in numerous states and provinces, but nothing says huntseason like the magical, mystical month of October! When the sumac starting turning red and orange and yellow and the geese began increased movement and visibility, you knew darn well that a very special time of year was upon us.

A Primal Dance Down Memory Lane

September 27, 2018

By: Ted Nugent The here and now is always of critical importance. Lessons learned and accumulated experiences in life are what fortify us to be capable of making better choices and judgment calls each and every day. As a 70 year-old husband, father, grandfather and brother, my goal has always been to push my sensual radar to the maximum level of awareness so as to upgrade my quality of life constantly. Such dedicated attentiveness to primary priorities is the exact same system of considerations that benefit every endeavor we pursue, and that includes our deerhunting decisions. Walking on the wildside behind my dad, bow and arrow in hand in the big Michigan deerwoods as a little tyke taught me much, slowly but surely, about stealth and situational awareness. I bet if some sort of research could be determined, we would find that the most successful deerhunters are probably the most organized individuals in the world, and probably more often than not, the most successful overall in life.

My Dream Gear

September 24, 2018

By: Ted Nugent Oh, how things have changed! Well some things at least. The overall spirit of my hunting life, and life in general hasn’t really changed one whit, but Lord have mercy when it comes to gear and technology, especially archery gear, it is a whole brave wild new world out here. When my dad and I would hit the north Michigan deerwoods in the 1950s and 60s we just had our old yew and Osage longbows and cedar arrows in a backquiver. There were no camo hunting clothes to be found back then and nobody I knew had ever heard of a treestand or commercial groundblind. We wore standard plaid wool shirts and jackets and earthtone corduroy pants with lace up leather boots.

The Future of Hunting Is in Our Hands

September 13, 2018

By: Ted Nugent The air sure feels special right now as September throttles forward into huntseason 2018! Good Lord am I ever ready to ROCK the best season of my life! Ever the eternal optimist, I feel nothing but positive energy and excitement from all my hunting buddies who feel the same as I do. The spirit is beautifully wild and we just know in our predator hearts that the sacred backstraps will indeed flow like God meant them to! I have read and heard way too many reports and horror stories that stink of a bleak doomsday prognosis for our beloved outdoor sports and hunting heritage, and I don’t like it. There are many negative and destructive dynamics at play here but I am absolutely convinced they are all reversable and fixable if more of us who truly love this lifestyle will turn up the heat and fight against this nasty culture war more intensely focused and more aggressively.

More Archery Fine Tuning

September 6, 2018

By: Ted Nugent Some things in life are worth repeating. I tell Mrs. Nugent I love her every few hours. I bring her flowers often. I never pass her in a room without a quick hug and a smooch. I try to call my kids, grandkids, siblings and extended family as often as possible always repeating how much I miss them and love them. I snuggle and pet my beloved dogs Happy and Sadie and Coco most every hour throughout the day!

SmallGame Season WarmUp

August 30, 2018

By: Ted Nugent A huge Nuge goodluck huntseason 2018 to all my American hunting BloodBrothers across the hinterland! I know many of you are already kicking off the earliest seasons for deer, elk, pronghorn, moose, caribou, sheep, goats, bear, bison, muskox and even some of that exotic, always thrilling big game excitement in Africa, Australia, New Zealand, Texas and beyond. Heck, the earliest seasons for deer opened up in California and Florida back in July, and hunters have been chasing bear and pronghorn for a good month already. And of course, the glorious unlimited Texas exotic, hog, varmint and lion seasons run all year long! Ain’t it grand!

I Have Met the Enemy And It Is Us

August 23, 2018

By: Ted Nugent I truly love the American Dream! Especially my American Dream. You know, that wild and crazy, radical and controversial individual right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness American Dream! With our much-anticipated glorious annual hunting season upon us, there is nothing ambiguous or confusing about life, liberty and our individual pursuit of Spirit of the Wild backstrap happiness, that’s for sure! Unfortunately, in these strange times of political correctness, government abuse of power and corruption and runaway fakenews everywhere, what is clearly truth, logic and commonsense to so many of us seems to confuse the living hell out of many of our fellow Americans.

Archery/Bowhunting Basics Reminder

August 16, 2018

By: Ted Nugent Nothing worthwhile comes easy. This is one of life’s many truisms that continually serves us well for time immemorial. My dear old dad relentlessly pounded many such quality of life colloquial ditties into my thick, mushy, youthful skull pretty much every day of my life! Lord have mercy do I ever look to the heavens and thank him and God daily! Be the best that you can be. Do a job right the first time so you don’t have to do it again. Keep your nose to the grindstone. Never give up. Aim small miss small! Anything worth doing is worth doing to the best of your ability. Tell me who you go with and I will tell you what you are. Never take the easy way out. Put your heart and soul into everything you do. When in life you come to a fork in the road, take it!

Home Is Where My Hunting Heart Is

August 9, 2018

By: Ted Nugent Ahhhhh…… Home sweet home! There are no words to adequately describe my love of being home. As I plunge joyfully into the 70th glorious fall hunting season of my life, I rejoice the soul cleansing dynamo of being home with my amazing Queen of the Forest soulmate wife Shemane, family and dogs on my sacred wildlife home turf more than you can possibly imagine. My phenomenal The Music Made Me Do It 2018 summer tour was the most fun, exhilarating, intense, musically outrageous and thoroughly gratifying tour of my life and I wouldn’t have traded all that running around, rocking, travel, flying, driving, hotel after hotel gig after gig for anything in the world.

Politically Correct Ethics

August 2, 2018

By: Ted Nugent Ethics is as personal a thing as anything in life. We all have a conscience and we all know what is right and what is wrong. Everybody is different and we are all capable of varying judgement calls, decisions and choices. We can all agree that the 10 Commandments and the Golden Rule are good basic guidelines for righteous, ethical conduct and behavior in a free society. When it comes to laws and regulations, especially in the hunting world, things start to get rather murky.

The Fine Tuning of Archery Never Ends

July 26, 2018

By: Ted Nugent I shoot arrows. I shoot a lot of arrows. I shoot a lot of arrows all the time. I love shooting arrows. I’ve been shooting arrows for more than 67 years! The mystical flight of the arrow turns me on and is good for you. I think I may very well have a chronic arrow addiction and I like it! Full-on concentration archery immersion takes us far, far away to a much better place and is good for the mind, heart, body, spirit, soul and psyche. When done properly with genuine Zen, Samurai dedication, life is better lived and fulfilled. Gungho archery epitomizes the physics of spirituality. Being that as it may, for this old arrow flinging bulls-eye addicted backstrapper, the archery and life battlecry of upgrade never ends. Excelsior!

Keeping The Spirit All Year

July 12, 2018

By: Ted Nugent The air was wet, dank, dark and intoxicatingly delicious and wondrous. To nonhunters it would have just been another boring, uninspiring, dull October day, but for us deerhunters, the most important day of our lives. I’m crazy lucky, or as some would say, crazy goofy, because every day of my life is the most important day ever, and when it happens to be in October in the sacred swamps of my Michigan family bowhunting heritage, it is off the charts thrilling, titillating and invigorating beyond words. My buckpole was already sagging in protein overdose hangage, but with a pocketful of much appreciated she-deer tags, my work was cut out for me. Killer SpiritWild VidCamDude Ethan Whisker and I were perched in a towering, ancient white oak tree overlooking a vast marsh, eternal swamp and muck-heaven deer paradise, and duty called to reduce the agriculture devastating and highway bloodying cervid infestation. And I had the arrows!

Communication is Key

July 5, 2018

By: Ted Nugent I often reference all this hyper modern high-tech electronic insanity as a good opportunity to gather round and celebrate this amazing global “electro campfire”! Everyone knows there is no better environment available to mankind than the down to earth, grounded openness of family and friends sharing our deepest thoughts, ideas, prayers, observations, laughter, emotions, dreams, beliefs and hopes around the eternal flames of a blazing, inspiring campfire. From the very outset of the Internet and all this intergalactic WiFi phenomenon, I have thoroughly enjoyed the heretofore unprecedented limitless communication capability in this digital age.

Wildlife Science Battlecry

June 21, 2018

By: Ted Nugent Celebrate the amazing wildlife management success story of North America and say Hallelujah and pass the backstraps like you mean it. It really wasn’t really that long ago when America woke up to the heartbreaking disaster of the irresponsible, runaway, indiscriminate market hunting slaughter of our precious wildlife. With bison nearly wiped out by a corrupt government program to eliminate the spiritual beast that supported the Native American culture and the near decimation of so many large and small game species for the world market, thank God a small but determined cadre’ of hunter/conservationists stepped up and sounded the alarm, thereby implementing the simple science of sustain yield and regulated harvests based on sound scientific productivity reality. Whew! That was a close one.

Old Hunting Dog and New Tricks

June 15, 2018

by Ted Nugent I was jamming away on my Gibson Byrdland guitar again this morning after doing my chores, shooting a few arrows, running my varmint trapline and working my Labrador retrievers. Something very different happens musically when one comes straight from the enchanting Spirit of the Wild swamp directly into the guitar room with dirty, earthy essence of the wild under the fingernails. With Happy and Sadie all tuckered out resting on the floor, I turn up the amplifiers and unleash a flurry of exciting notes, patterns and licks that truly have a life of their own. Stream of swamp consciousness makes the best music ever! My adventurous near 70-year clean and sober being instinctively goes for sounds and rhythms heretofore undiscovered, and the sonic experimentation is thrilling beyond words. Not a jam session transpires where I fail to discover new, strange and always enticing licks and sounds, and the newness of it all inspires me even further into uncharted territory to seek notes and grooves that I have never attempted before.

Guide The Youth

June 7, 2018

By Ted Nugent I am fortunate beyond words to have been brought up by loving parents in the ultimate disciplinary environment of the outdoor and shooting sports lifestyle. As I maximize my quality time with my grandkids and our Ted Nugent Kamp for Kids boys and girls, I see myself quite dramatically in their smiling faces and excitement when enjoying these positive activities. With summertime upon us, now is the perfect time for all concerned parents and families to push harder organizing such outdoor activities for not just our own kids, but also for schoolmates and neighbor kids to get this powerful hands-on guidance for a critical True North compass setting in life.

Memory Bank Spirit Fortification

May 31, 2018

By: Ted Nugent I fling therefor I am! No really, I repeat ad nauseum ad infinitum- As goes the mystical flight of the arrow goes our soul! I have often repeated in my writings and media interviews and it seems constantly on our Ted Nugent Spirit of the Wild TV show how the origins of Zen and the Samurai forces originated with archery for the ultimate controlling forces for quality of life. Now I can’t promise my grasp of history is sequentially all that accurate, but I do believe the gist of my observations and theories are basically good, and I am here to tell you, through simple utilitarian pragmatism they certainly serve me well.

Back To The Basics

May 17, 2018

By: Ted Nugent

“Keep it simple stupid” keeps running through my head 24/7/365/69.6! All the best things in life are close to the bone reverberating as one with the primal scream of our inner spirit. Yikes! That’s a mouthful ain’t it! And it darn well oughtta be if we are to remain in touch with the primary focus and pragmatic functions of our beloved down to earth quality of life. And of course I know I’m preaching to the ultimate down to earth choir here, for who better to understand and live the purest primal scream lifestyle than those of us smart and fortunate enough to hunt, fish and trap as defining hands-on conservation participants in God’s miraculous nature creation.

Learning From Each Other

May 10, 2018

By: Ted Nugent

My simple battlecry for a happier life is to never stop learning. My yesterday sure was fun, exciting and energizing, but my goal is to do even better today.

I just put down my battleworn Gibson Byrdland guitar after a morning of SpiritWild Ranch chores and shooting a few dozen arrows on my Morrell 3D range.

As always, I started out the morning shooting arrows at various ranges in my lifetime proven shot sequence procedure but made it a point to stop and consider some possible improved procedures for better archery. Reading, listening and watching archers and bowhunters much better than myself causes me to implement some of their suggestions and styles, and when doing so, my focus becomes strengthened and my groups get tighter, even at longer ranges beyond 50 yards.

Get A Muffler For Your Gun-Suppressors; I like ‘em

May 3, 2018

By: Ted Nugent

Aim small miss small! Now that’s a quality of life battlecry I think we can all relate to and agree upon. Like anything and everything in life worthwhile, firearm accuracy and all the shooting sports for that matter are best enjoyed when maximum focus and dedication are employed.

Growing up with my Daisy Red Ryder BB gun was life consuming, that’s for sure. Along with my homemade slingshots and bow and arrows life was one big projectile management adventure party.

Safety was drilled into my young, mushy brain by dear old US Army drill sergeant dad, and with the simple Gun Rule #1, never point a weapon at anything you are not willing to destroy, the great man put me on a True North compass setting of inescapable cause and effect accountability in the great outdoors and beyond from the earliest of age.

Thank you dad!

Never Forget Our Daily Lessons

April 12, 2018

By: Ted Nugent

I thought for sure I would tumble out of my stand my body was trembling and quivering so violently. Without a doubt the biggest buck of my life was standing statuesque not 15 yards in front of me on full alert, head up, cocked, locked and ready to rock!

His big, radar ears were erect, moist nose in the air, eyeballs bulging in a full-on gonzo attempt to find the source of the overbearing electronic predator Tedator death-rays zapping the South Texas puckerbrush all around.
I’ve been here so many times before, and under these trying conditions, it more often than not does not end well for this old stinky Rock-N-Roll bowhunter.

SpiritWild VidCamDude Kris Helms and I knew this predator-prey game all too well, and we reciprocated in kind with a deadly stealth response of our own, determined to get an arrow into this giant beast’s pumpstation come hell or high water!

It’s not like I was caught off-guard, for I live to never be off-guard, especially when bowhunting South Texas on the amazing 777 Ranch outside Hondo, Texas.

Talking about “target rich”! I was sitting in what may very well be the trophy whitetail deer mecca of planet earth, so we knew darn well what we were getting into.

But this test of nerves went on forever. I know; we always believe our deer stare-downs go on forever, but this time, it really did, and I was determined to win this standoff no matter what.

Three Down Six To Go

March 30, 2018

by  Ted Nugent

Happy Easter everybody! What a great traditional family celebration of life renewed for sure, and we hope everybody finds lots of fun yummy Easter eggs with the kids and grandkids, don’t eat too much candy and chowdown on a succulent Easter ham or turkey surrounded by family and loved ones.

And of course we take to heart the very solemn religious celebrations that represent a very powerful spiritual moment of faith for the believers around the world.

JumpStart Springtime NOW!

March 8, 2018

By: Ted Nugent

My sister just got eight more inches of snow in her beautiful Up North Michigan Winter Water Wonderland home forest, but I’m in short sleeves and 80 degrees here at home on our SpiritWild Ranch in central Texas!

Crazy as it seems, this old rock-n-roll bowhunting Michiganiac misses the snow real bad, but I will always take what I can get and celebrate it like I mean it.

No matter where you live in this great country, it’s March and springtime in one shape or form is right around the corner. And just like all our serious preparations for the fall hunting season, there are some wonderful and demanding springtime rituals that are just as important as the actual hunting itself.

It would have only been natural for me to plunge into deep, dark post-season depression last week as the Texas whitetail season came to a sad end on March 1, but man does not live by whitetail season alone, and I didn’t even have time to blink as I transitioned into a very exciting spring-like month of March.

With non-stop exotic critter hunting flourishing all year long in Texas, SpiritWild Ranch manager Kris Helms was busy guiding a couple of Wyoming BloodBrothers after Scimitar Horn Oryx, Blackbuck antelope, African Aoudad sheep, Sika deer, fallow deer and axis deer.

Will and Bob had a great four days of rifle hunting and with Kris’s expertise and a truckload of luck three fine trophies were brought to bag for some very happy hunters.

Ranch chores and my never ending rip-roaring American Dream tsunami lifestyle keeps me crazy busy all the time, but I make it a point to shoot my bow every day and my firearms almost as regularly.

To make certain I never lose touch with my home hunting grounds, the dogs and I cruise the property daily checking our year round varmint trapline, killing fire ants by the trillions and keeping tabs on our wildlife and home turf.

Celebrate Hunting Television

March 1, 2018

By: Ted Nugent

I’m surprised I don’t just blow up every few minutes every day. Approaching my 70th year of the American Dream, my days remain wall to wall sensual/spiritual stimuli and metaphysical adventure in overdrive.

And I like it.

Take today for example; I awoke to a couple of uppity Labrador retrievers furiously licking me and pawing away on me to join them in the great outdoors. Then this gorgeous blonde Queen of the Forest walks past me in the bathroom with a Cheshire grin and a bombshell boogie-woogie wiggle as I sip a good hot mug of NugeJava with a hint of mocha.

Gazing out the bathroom window I see every imaginable songbird God has blessed us with and a gaggle of fox squirrels vying for the best position at the corn feeder.

Out the living room window I see a small herd of African Scimitar horn Oryx and a great Indian Blackbuck ram chasing a doe all across our 50 acre hayfield.

Taking my morning walk to get my legs and spirit flexing, Happy and Sadie and I jump a trio of fat whitetail does out of the cedar thickets as they prance and leap across the prairie with that beautiful whitetail grace.

Overhead a Peregrine falcon swooshes past the pond with a wiggling fish in its talons. Putting my Miracle Ear hearing aids in, the world comes alive with a cacophony of birdsong to delight me beyond words.

Returning to our little Texas ranch house, I give the dogs their biscuits and I set down my mocha. I then yank an unsuspecting Gibson Les Paul guitar from my arsenal and unleash a flurry of killer all American R&B rock-n-roll soulful grooves that could only come from the hands of a fulltime reasoning predator deeply connected to the miracle of God’s amazing tooth, fang and claw creation.

In the midst of recording my 40-something record, the music has a life of its own and is powerfully accentuated by my daily Spirit of the Wild real nature lifestyle.

Come Together Right Now

February 22, 2018

By: Ted Nugent

Isn’t it amazing how we hunters can and do carve out our ultimate American Dream with such aplomb in spite of the crazy world all around us! The worst day of hunting is always a wonderful day compared to pretty much all the alternatives. Our sacred time afield surely does cleanse the soul, re-create our spirit and recharge our batteries everytime!

Thank God every day and say Hallelujah like you mean it!

That brings us to all the other things in our lives in between our soul cleansing hunts and the more often than not trials and tribulations of every day existence in a world that continually throws some seriously mind blowing and bizarre curves our way, usually out of nowhere on a damn guaranteed regular basis.

We all have our cross to bear, bear it like you mean it!

As the inescapable reality of daily life sucker-punches us upside the head so often, we rise from the swirling dust of the arena, brush ourselves off, and re-engage anew. Good Americans know there is no Plan B.

But when these difficult times manifest themselves in the heartbreaking horror of innocent life lost at the hands of pure evil in our own neighborhoods, we are tested to the core and have the opportunity to show that tenacious all American true grit that got us here in the first place and will ultimately determine if we survive as a nation and as a species.

We hunters all know that the sacred 2nd Amendment has never had anything to do with hunting, sport or recreation. We know that these Constitutionally guaranteed God given individual rights are based on profound self-evident truth, logic and commonsense and dare I say, Devine Intervention.

There has never before in the history of mankind been such a bold, radical experiment in self government as is the American Dream of assured life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

If we are truly dedicated to save innocent lives, it is going to take the best of the best American families to stand strong and committed to fight for real world solutions to bring such madness to an end.