THE TED OFFENSIVE: What I’ll do with my Rolling Stone cover (7/25/2013) - Exclusive: Ted Nugent on how to stay angry about ‘punk terrorist’s’ evil deeds Controversy is raging about Rolling Stone magazine putting Muslim terrorist Dzhokhar Tsarnaev on its cover. I don’t find anything controversial about putting this punk’s mug on the cover of the magazine. In fact, I applaud it. Edgy, bold, white-water rapid journalism that...
THE TED OFFENSIVE: Never met a racist – but I seen them on TV (7/25/2013) - Exclusive: Ted Nugent calls on blacks to be honest about facts of Trayvon case As I celebrate the greatest R&B rocktour of my gravity defying career, the Ted Nugent Black Power Tour 2013, paying homage and gushing love every night for the black musical geniuses that inspire all great music, like I have for more...
THE TED OFFENSIVE: Ban the welfare state –– not guns (7/17/2013) - Exclusive: Ted Nugent blames liberals for ongoing murders in black communities With the Chicago Independence Day Massacre now over until next weekend, there will be talking heads pontificating yet again about what we can do to stop the violence in the president’s hometown and in every other city in America. The left will clamor for...
THE TED OFFENSIVE: What would Martin Luther King Jr. do? (7/17/2013) - Exclusive: Ted Nugent declares entire justice system ‘screwed up’ I’m afraid to admit that I agree with famed lawyer Alan Dershowitz that the entire prosecutorial team in the trial of George Zimmerman should be disbarred, that they broke every standard rule of our jurisprudence system and falsely accused Zimmerman of second-degree murder, only after the...
THE TED OFFENSIVE: Declare your independence, again! (7/10/2013) - Exclusive: Ted Nugent urges us to reject ‘government-sponsored barbarism’ of gun control Signing your own arrest warrant that would lead to your hanging if caught is what our forefathers did when 56 of them signed the Declaration of Independence. They knew that King George would view their signatures as an act of treason punishable by...
THE TED OFFENSIVE: Real assault weapons: Maggots who belong in cages (6/27/2013) - Exclusive: Ted Nugent’s outraged by case of ‘recidivist monster’ who struck again after release Let me give you two words as to why I do not support gun control: Jerry Active. Jerry Active is another example of the subhuman maggots that our failed court systems keep unleashing on our neighborhoods, another undeniable thug, another registered...
THE TED OFFENSIVE: The buck never stops with Obama (6/27/2013) - Exclusive: Ted Nugent blasts ‘clueless’ president for refusing to take responsibility Recognizing he was ultimately in charge and responsible as the accountable leader of the free world, President Harry Truman had a sign on his desk that simply said, “The buck stops here.” I’ve got one, too. All real leaders do. If Mr. Obama had...
THE TED OFFENSIVE: Indoctrination, not education (6/27/2013) - Exclusive: Ted Nugent flays principal touting toy gun buy-back program Just when you think the world can’t get any more loony, more dishonestly politically correct, more stone-cold stupid, along comes school Principal Charles Hill of Strobridge Elementary in Hayward, Calif. Surely a National Education Association member and poster child for the bizzarro world of California,...
THE TED OFFENSIVE: Indoctrination, not education (6/27/2013) - Exclusive: Ted Nugent flays principal touting toy gun buy-back program Just when you think the world can’t get any more loony, more dishonestly politically correct, more stone-cold stupid, along comes school Principal Charles Hill of Strobridge Elementary in Hayward, Calif. Surely a National Education Association member and poster child for the bizzarro world of California,...
THE TED OFFENSIVE: Stupidity: America’s greatest health hazard (6/27/2013) - Exclusive: Ted Nugent blasts ‘Fedzilla’ for enabling populace to remain ‘lazy and dumb’ Now that the American Medical Association (AMA) has wrongfully labeled obesity as a disease, the AMA may as well categorize as such our most troubling, chronic, widespread and debilitating self-inflicted ailment of choice: stupidity. What once was one of America’s most respected...
Exclusive: Ted Nugent labels IRS bureaucrat ‘The Great Satan at the gate’ (6/5/2013) - Fedzillacreep. It’s a verb, it’s a noun, and there is no better word to define Lois Lerner and her devious, criminal violations and those of her fellow RICO scammers at the IRS. If there were a Fedzillacreep Hall of Shame in Washington, D.C., Ms. Lerner would be The Great Satan at the gate. Due to...
THE TED OFFENSIVE: Bring back Woodward and Bernstein (5/30/2013) - Exclusive: Ted Nugent calls for return of ‘pit-bull media’ to smoke out Benghazi truth If most of America’s media were firefighters, they would all be burned to death for refusing to aggressively fight the roaring blaze in front of them. Instead, the media have willfully and intentionally ignored the conflagration known as Benghazi. Hardcore investigative...
THE TED OFFENSIVE: My rock solid advice for grads (5/16/2013) - Exclusive: Ted Nugent offers no-whine keys to a successful career A huge Nuge congratulation is in order to all the 2013 college and high school graduates across the land. You should be very proud of yourselves for a job well done. More important than well deserved congratulations is my Uncle Ted Rock Solid proven advice...
THE TED OFFENSIVE: The 5-year Nuge immigration plan (5/14/2013) - Exclusive: Ted Nugent explains his process whereby only ‘hump-busters’ become citizens If we get just one thing right regarding the immigration confusion, let’s demand common sense from our professional political clowns who could and would write a 300-page instruction manual on how to tie your shoes. Everything worthwhile comes from maximum effort. All legal immigrants...
THE TED OFFENSIVE: The Saul Alinsky plot to vilify guns (5/8/2013) - Exclusive: Ted Nugent rips tactics of ‘social engineering indoctrination camps’ Like the brainwashing jihad running amok among government goons and most of America’s media, our social engineering indoctrination camps (formerly known as the public school system) clearly have it in for guns. This is not surprising since these camps are controlled by the National Education...
THE TED OFFENSIVE: NRA freedom fest a huge success (5/8/2013) - Exclusive: Ted Nugent reviews convention targeting ‘vile corruption and power abusers’ I raced off stage in Tampa after throttling my 6511th high energy rockout, mopped up as much dripping sweat as I could, changed into dry clothes, grabbed a Gatorade and a sack of food, hung onto my gorgeous wife, Shemane, and headed to the...
THE TED OFFENSIVE: Boston Massacre II (4/26/2013) - Exclusive: Ted Nugent explains why ‘liberal logic is evil’s best friend’ As I write this, the cops don’t appear to have any solid leads or suspects in the Boston Massacre II. The president pledged to bring the individuals or organizations responsible for this massacre to justice. Good for him. But I don’t believe him. The...
THE TED OFFENSIVE: The Philly Angel of Death (4/26/2013) - Exclusive: Ted Nugent on Kermit Gosnell: ‘A snip of his spinal column would be in order’ One should be careful to dare draw parallels or analogies to Nazis, as the Nazis raised the evil bar to unspeakable heights in terms of human savagery and genocide. However, every so often a story so savage, so cold,...
THE TED OFFENSIVE: Time to Stretch Neck of Jihadist Punk (4/26/2013) - Exclusive: Ted Nugent demands swift justice for ‘voodoo whack-job’ If the bombing, killings and maiming of Bostonians by the two voodoo whack-job jihadists in Boston isn’t maddening enough, the next tsunami of insults should drive any American addicted to common sense crazy. The jihadist punk in custody is obviously guilty of committing murder, terrorist acts...
THE TED OFFENSIVE: How to Battle the Fedzillacrats (4/26/2013) - Exclusive: Ted Nugent’s not willing to accept turning U.S. into ‘a turd world country’ So goes the old adage that if you place a frog in a pot of cold water and slowly turn up the heat, the frog, too stupid to feel the increasing danger, will sit in the pot and be boiled to...
THE TED OFFENSIVE: An open letter to Jim Carrey (4/17/2013) - Exclusive: Ted Nugent whacks actor for ‘cheap, soulless and cowardly shot’ against hero Welcome to the party, Mr. Carrey. You’ve got every right to lampoon whomever you want, including one of mankind’s greatest and most courageous civil rights hero-warriors of all times, the deceased Charlton Heston. However, when you dip your toe into the raging...
THE TED OFFENSIVE: A tomahawk chop to political correctness (4/17/2013) - Exclusive: Ted Nugent asserts changing team names won’t help his ‘Indian BloodBrothers’ Every so often some numbskull beats the politically correct war drum protesting the names of sports teams. The terminally disconnected claim the names of the some teams and their mascots are insensitive, even offensive, to Native Americans. Classic names like the Washington Redskins,...
THE TED OFFENSIVE: Cops, caseworkers terrorize New Jersey family (4/2/2013) - Exclusive: Ted Nugent invites rifle-loving boy to his ranch for shooting bonanza To know the culture war is raging and that gun rights are the tip of the spear, you need to look no further than what happened to the Moore family who live in Carneys Point, N.J. Shawn Moore, the father of a good...
Spirit Wild Writings THE TED OFFENSIVE: A liar for national security adviser? (3/25/2013) - Exclusive: Ted Nugent says America deserves better than Obama’s Benghazi storyteller The Catholic cardinals selected a new pope this week. If the cardinals had followed the playbook of the Obama administration, they would have chosen Beelzebub as the next pope. Rumor has it the president is considering Susan Rice as the next national security adviser....
THE TED OFFENSIVE: Woo-hoo! State OK’s teachers with guns (3/25/2013) - Exclusive: Ted Nugent applauds South Dakota law that defies ‘leftist goons’ If you are addicted to common sense and logic, South Dakota should bring a smile to your face. These sensible Americans just passed a law allowing teachers to carry weapons in school as a means to protect their students from terminal psychos hell-bent on...
THE TED OFFENSIVE: No bailout for Motown (3/13/2013) - Exclusive: Ted Nugent disagrees with GOP guv pushing state help for bankrupt Detroit My beloved Motor City is bleeding to death. The facts are that Detroit is a financial wreck, an unmitigated disaster, a sheer cataclysmic catastrophe – you pick. No doubt all of the above. Good Gov. Rick Snyder has decided to step in...
THE TED OFFENSIVE: Chicago solution: More cages for gangstas (3/6/2013) - Exclusive: Ted Nugent advocates tough sentencing, guns in the hands of law-abiding Ever the community organizer, President Obama was recently back home in Chicago promoting his gun-ban proposals. The president also spoke about the need for stronger families and lamented that his father flew the coop when Mr. Obama was just 2 years old. No...
THE TED OFFENSIVE: I honor blacks – the Dems destroy them (2/22/2013) - Exclusive: Ted Nugent points out irony of Obama policies’ ill effect on community It’s been said that history is written by the winners. It that’s true, black Americans won’t be doing any writing as it pertains to this era in America. With February being Black History Month, historians looking back at this timeframe studying black...
THE TED OFFENSIVE: The Redcoats are here – but not to worry (2/20/2013) - Exclusive: Ted Nugent notes AR-15s are now ‘as scarce as facts on a Piers Morgan show’ At the tender age of 64.3 years of age, clean and sober for all 64.3 years, my glowing quality of life comes from honing my spiritual radar to maximum efficiency through gung-ho discipline and addiction to the inebriating characteristics...
THE TED OFFENSIVE: Let me be free (2/12/2013) - Exclusive: Ted Nugent has clear message for those who want ‘their boots on our necks’ Let me be perfectly clear: It isn’t any of your damn business what you think I need, what you don’t want me to have and what you think is good for me. I’m a free man who can think for...
THE TED OFFENSIVE: Republican murdering U.S. citizens (2/12/2013) - Exclusive: Ted Nugent proves ‘liberals are two-faced hypocrites’ Imagine for a moment if the tables were turned and a Republican president had issued an order that permitted the killing of American citizens with drones. The country would go gonzo. Liberals would be screaming at the tops of their lungs about the president’s intentional violation of...
NUGENT: Bakers’ union ding-dong move endangers 18,000 jobs (11/28/2012) - Labor thugs make economic hard times worse In yet another never-ending series of terminal ding-dong moves, members of the Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers International Union went on strike and drove Hostess out of business, providing one more stinking example of how labor unions can no longer have their cake and it eat...
NUGENT: Want a job? Vote for Romney (10/17/2012) - Team Obama can’t help you It boils down to this: If you want to grow the economy and get a job, vote for Mitt Romney. If you want more anti-business policies and counterproductive government welfare, vote for President Obama. The difference between the candidates is as distinct as the difference between me and anti-hunting and...
NUGENT: Mitt Romney was right about the 47 percent (10/3/2012) - Americans are too dependent on Fedzilla Mitt Romney hit the bull’s-eye with his comments regarding the 47 percent of Americans who do not have any skin in the game as it pertains to paying federal income tax. Facts are facts. Mr. Romney is not backing down. Good. The truth is the truth and it’s long...
NUGENT: No protest for Democrats’ confab (9/6/2012) - Big government is sabotaging future for today’s youth Today’s young Americans have nothing in common with the counterculture generation of young Americans who marched, protested and brawled with Chicago’s finest at the Democratic National Convention in 1968. I have to admit, I didn’t know whom to cheer for in that melee. Some of today’s young...
NUGENT: McNugent rule: Automatic death penalty (9/3/2012) - Justice requires satisfaction for murders What a psychotic piece of subhuman debris did on Jan. 11, 2011, outside a Tucson Safeway store where Rep. Gabrielle Giffords was holding a “meet and greet” with constituents was an unfathomable act of barbarism. The result of his barbarism: Six people were shot fatally and 13 more wounded. While...
NUGENT: Task One this Labor Day: Defeat Obama (8/31/2012) - Fedzillacrats bad for economy Ask yourself this question: Are you better off since Barack Obama was elected president or not? For too many Americans, the answer is painfully obvious. Regardless of his continuing efforts to blame President George W. Bush for our anemic and sluggish economy, the current economic catastropheis owned lock, stock and barrel...
NUGENT: All aboard for the Romney-Ryan Express (8/22/2012) - Republican veep pick just the ticket As excited as I am over Mitt Romney selecting Rep. Paul Ryan as his running mate, I’m over come with giddiness that Mr. Romney’s first important decision has shown his conservative mettle. Whew! For those conservatives who whine that Mr. Romney is not conservative enough, his selection of Mr....
NUGENT: Crimes against Gibson guitars (8/22/2012) - Uncle Sam is Uncle Sham My all-American sonic-bombast weapon of choice for 50 years has been those world-class pieces of musical art, the mighty Gibson guitar. I own a stunning arsenal of them. It wouldn’t surprise me if some Fedzillastooge from Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr.’s Department of Gunrunning Injustice will try to tell...
NUGENT: America is on a financial suicide watch (8/15/2012) - Distractions from debt problem a travesty Someone should have to answer for the financial high crimes and misdemeanors that are bankrupting our nation and financially raping the futures of our children and grandchildren. If a corporate officer did to the shareholders of a company what Barack Obama and his gang of soulless Fedzillacrats have done...
NUGENT: Whacky Harry Reid talks trash about Romney (8/6/2012) - Nevadan tries a desperate distraction You have to know that times are desperate in the Obama campaign when Sen. Harry Reid is trotted out to contend that Mitt Romney didn’t pay taxes for a decade. Never one to let facts get in the way, the Democratic Senate majority leader offered no damning public statement regarding...
NUGENT: Grover Norquist — Beltway’s Clint Eastwood (7/26/2012) - Tax-killer dares big spenders to make his day The Dirty Harry of tax and government reform is Grover Norquist. Dirty Harry Norquist, president of Americans For Tax Reform (, has never seen a tax increase he supports, which should immediately put him at the head of the line for a Presidential Medal of Freedom once...
NUGENT: Turncoat Roberts (7/5/2012) - Chief justice’s surprise ruling means limited government is dead Yogi Berra said that when you come to a fork in the road, take it. When supposed-conservative Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. came to a judicial conservative-liberal fork in the road, he veered left. With Chief Justice Roberts‘ vote to save Obamacare, I was reminded...
NUGENT: Happy Independence DNA (7/3/2012) - Real Americans never surrender In a sea of soulless, sheeplike dependency, it’s easy to spot the fiercely independent people who continue to declare our independence. We are the producers, the people who make the country work. We are business owners and hardworking employees. We are fiercely American; we believe in self-reliance and rugged individualism. Fiercely...
NUGENT: Still stoned on liberty (6/21/2012) - Take a hit of freedom on Election Day The one thing you will never have to remind me of is how fortunate and blessed I am, or I should say, how fortunate all of us are to live in the greatest nation the world has ever witnessed. The reason America is the greatest nation to...
Spirit Wild Writings NUGENT: Attracting the Latino vote (6/13/2012) - GOP should support legal immigration Due to ever-shifting demographics, Americans of Latin descent are being courted by both the Republican and Democratic parties. The party that wins their support will be in the political driver’s seat come November. The Democrats currently own that seat. In the 2008 presidential election, the Obama-Biden team won the Latino...
NUGENT: Ready to roll over the O Team (6/11/2012) - Obama and his media enablers need to answer for economic catastrophe I recently had a nice conversation with my friend, ultra-left-wing comedian Bill Maher. He wants me back on his television program to explain why I am so angry with the Obama administration’s policies. I will accommodate Bill’s request ASAP because I have always had...
NUGENT: God bless America’s warriors (5/25/2012) - Teach your children freedom isn’t free Freedom isn’t free. Never has been, never will be. Very special warriors have provided freedom at supreme sacrifice since time immemorial. Good people will never forget, and we celebrate Memorial Day with a hard-charging spirit in appreciation for hard-charging warriors. With his lifeblood pouring out of him from a...
NUGENT: Six rules to gain American Dream (5/17/2012) - Advice from the mountaintop for those starting at the bottom Tens of thousands of young people will soon toss their graduation caps into the air and begin their pursuit of their own unique American Dream. That’s cause for grand celebration. Though I’m not a college graduate, I did graduate from the School of Hard Rock...
NUGENT: California nightmare (5/5/2012) - Bankrupt state serves as a warning to the rest of America Will the last American left in California please turn out the lights? And don’t let the door slam you in the behind. California isn’t going broke. It’s already broke and is $16 billion in the hole. With businesses leaving the state in record numbers...